HD9817T… Series – RH and Temperature Digital Transmitters
Brand: Delta OHM S.R.L.HD9817T… Series – RH and Temperature Digital Transmitters
Brand: Delta OHM S.R.L.Dual relative humidity and temperature transmitter for HVAC applications, environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical storage, food transport, greenhouse automation, etc.
Equipped with an IP65 stainless steel AISI 304 housing, it is suitable even for severe environments; besides, its ultra-compact dimensions (Ø 14 x 133 mm) and wide range of outputs (analogue 0…1V, digital RS232C OR RS485-MODBUS RTU, USB 1.1-2.0) make it ideal for integrating into a variety of OEM applications.
It is supplied with the HD9817TC software for reading measurements and calibrating the relative humidity sensor.
Relative Humidity Sensor
- Capacitive
Relative Humidity Sensor Protection
- P8, stainless steel grid and PTFE, 10 µm
Relative Humidity Measuring Range
- 0…100 % RH
Relative Humidity Sensor Working Range
- -40…+80° C
Relative Humidity Accuracy
- ± 1.5 % (0…90 % RH), ± 2 % (90…100 %) @ T= 15…35° C
- ± (1.5 + 1.5 % measure) % @ T= remaining range
Relative Humidity Response Time
- < 15 s @ 23° C (air speed = 1 m/s without filter)
Relative Humidity Temperature Dependence
- 2 % on the whole temperature range
Relative Humidity Hysteresis and Repeatability
- 0.4 % RH
Relative Humidity Long Term Stability
- 1 %/year
Temperature Sensor Type
- Pt100 1/3 DIN
Temperature Measuring Range
- -40 to +60° C
Temperature Accuracy
- ± 0.2° C ± 0.15 % of the measured value
Temperature Response Time
- < 15 s (without filter)
Temperature Long Term Stability
- 0.2° C/year
General Power Voltage
- 5…35 Vdc
- 5…30 Vdc (HD9817TVS)
General Consumption
- Typically 2 mA
- 4 mA typical @ 12 Vdc (HD9817TVS)
General Maximum Operating Temperature
- -40° to +80° C (for short periods)
General Operating Humidity
- 0…100 % RH
Housing Dimensions
- Ø14x138 mm
- Ø14x155 mm (HD9817TVS)
Housing Degree of Protection
- IP65
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