HD2003, HD2003.1 – 3-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer
Delta OHM
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Static anemometer for measuring the speed and direction of wind, air temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure.

HP480/HP481 – Measurement of Dew Point in Compressed Air Systems
Delta OHM
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Probes for the measurement of air humidity in pipes. It measures relative humidity and temperature or Dew Point.

AP471S2 – Omni-directional Hotwire Probe
Delta OHM
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Omni-directional hotwire probe to measure air speed in the range 0.1 to 5m/s and air temperature in the range ‑25°C to +80°C.

AP472S1 – Thermocouple Vane Probe
Delta OHM
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Vane probe with K type thermocouple diameter 100 mm to measure air speed and air temperature.

AP472S2 – Vane Probe
Delta OHM
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Vane probe diameter 60 mm with handle to measure air speed in the range 0.5 to 20m/s.

TP32 Soil Temperature Probe
Delta OHM
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4-wire Pt100 temperature probe for measuring the soil and air temperature. Cable Length: 2m

TP32 Soil Temperature Probe
Delta OHM
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4-wire Pt100 temperature probe for measuring the air temperature. Cable Length: 2m

TP32 Soil Temperature Probe
Delta OHM
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4-wire Pt100 temperature probe for measuring the air temperature. Cable Length: 5m